Friday, October 17, 2008


This Blog has been created to document my participation in a collaborative book venture that aims to teach Computer Art using Processing - a Java IDE.

The sponsors of the project are the
Open University and specifically Prof. Darrel Ince of The Computing Department.

Other collaborative authors are students and alumni of the Open University and their contributions are hosted at the main blog site.

Royalties from the book will go to an Open University charity fund.

The project's timeframe is November 2008/April 2009.

My background, pertinent to this venture, is that I am an Open University alumnus (B.Sc. Computing - 2005) and also hold a M.Sc. in Geographical Information Science (2007)
Birkbeck College, University of London. The study of Sun Microsystem's Java software language was a significant component of my academic studies culminating in its use in developing a Java mapping platform plug-in for hydrology generalization - the subject of my Master's dissertation (see

Tentatively, I will contribute the following chunks of the book:

TITLE Pixels
DESCRIPTION So far we have been looking at Pixels, now we will look at bit mapped images. This is the introduction.


  • Be able to understand the difference between bit-mapped and vector graphics.
  • Be able to use the pixel functions detailed in this part of the book.
  • Be able to develop a program that uses pixels of around 120 lines of code.
TITLE Loading and tiling images.
DESCRIPTION This is the start of the part of the book that deals with image manipulation. It shows you how load images and set and get the pixels in an image.


  • Be able to use program facilities to load an image.
  • Be able to use set and get functions to manipulate an image.
  • Be able to develop programs of no more than 120 lines which use the facilities in the Greenberg fragment.

In my next post, I will:

  • Confirm the chunks I will be authoring.
  • Rough-out a plan of execution for this work.

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